Montrose Top round one
Anytime Jenny releases a pattern, I jump on it. I’m all about support because I can’t complain about stuff and then not support people when they try to meet the need. I’m getting pretty good at fit and I can and I have adjusted patterns to fit my body but I still purchase patterns designed to make sewing and fit easier. I’m excited to see all the possibilities of sewing, it’s still a challenge, it’s still exciting and it’s still frustrating! The chest is a bit snug on this top, I measured myself but I still find it snug in the upper chest area. I graded up to 20 for…
Cashmerette Upton skirt hack and Butterick 5529 jacket
Hi there! I want to share with you what I’ve made recently. You’ve seen my Upton dress here and Butterick 5529 jacket here. Well, I’ve “hacked” the Upton using Jenny’s hack, you can find the instructions on the hack here. I didn’t make any changes, but I should have. Jenny talks about how to adjust the fit for the skirt and well, I didn’t do that. Actually I intended to make the Upton dress and didn’t like the fabric I chose after completing it for the bodice so last minute I decided to make the skirt. I really like this fabric, I purchased it from FabricMart and it’s a digital…
Pattern Review: Cashmerette Concord T-Shirt
Hi ya! It’s summertime and we are in full swing, I’m busy with family stuff, work and sewing. I’ve been consistent lately, but I will tell you, I hate stopping to do “housekeeping”. I need to stop and do housekeeping because my patterns are a mess, and I’m behind on my reviews. **sigh** I tend to do a lot and then crash and burn, especially if something I make doesn’t come out right. I obsess about what I’ve made, the fit, pictures, etc… and I won’t do my admin/ review stuff, it’s stressful! Also, I’ve moved recently and that threw me off my schedule. I’m working on it, getting…
Pattern Review: Cashmerette’s Springfield tops x2.
I am drinking the juice, the Cashmerette and indie pattern juice. I think as I sew more, I’m looking for less fuss and these patterns are so well drafted I can get more sewing done. The patterns are not cheap and I’m not a fan of printing out PDF patterns! I justify the cost in time saved adjusting the pattern and use, I’ve made enough of them that I’ve gotten a return on my investment. I get a quality product each time so it is worth it to me. Most indie patterns will ship you a printed pattern and you can also have them printed at your local office…
Pattern Review: Cashmerette Upton dress
Can I just say, I love this dress! I just finished the Cashmerette Upton Dress! I think like everyone else who has made this dress, I was skeptical of sizing, I guess we can blame that on the fit issues most have with commercial patterns. I don’t have many Indie patterns because commercial patterns are available and cheap. You can’t beat $1.99, I’m not bashing commercial patterns, I have over 400, I know, I know, most I haven’t made, and many of them I purchased for a dollar. There are some really good ones in my stash so I can’t say they are worthless. As I grow as a sewer/…