Pattern Review: Glam Duster+ M6996
No preamble, I love this duster!! my photographer is at camp and me and the tripod are not yet fully acquainted but yes to the selfie of me in this garment! Actually I forgot to bring the tripod with me when I packed the car and drove five hours to Savannah, GA. My good friend had a Denim and Diamonds themed birthday party and I didn’t know what to wear, but I knew I wanted to make something. I also didn’t want to buy fabric, since I have two bins full of “just in case” fabric. I feel there’s a little self imposed pressure to make something spectacular if you…
Pattern review and shirt Hack + M7609
belt is old I’m super late on this review, this was posted to social media almost three weeks ago! I’m my own boss, so there is not time frame, but I do like to get the reviews out the same day I post to social media. Even if the garment is simple, I want you, my wonderful readers to have some info on the pattern and the fit. You know me, I get into my mode of sewing and I hate to stop what I’m doing to blog. I know I should, because it’s super helpful for you guys and me! I make items more than once and I have…
Pattern Review: Cashmerette Concord T-Shirt
Hi ya! It’s summertime and we are in full swing, I’m busy with family stuff, work and sewing. I’ve been consistent lately, but I will tell you, I hate stopping to do “housekeeping”. I need to stop and do housekeeping because my patterns are a mess, and I’m behind on my reviews. **sigh** I tend to do a lot and then crash and burn, especially if something I make doesn’t come out right. I obsess about what I’ve made, the fit, pictures, etc… and I won’t do my admin/ review stuff, it’s stressful! Also, I’ve moved recently and that threw me off my schedule. I’m working on it, getting…
Remake: M6886 (modified) hacked + wide legged pants
Hi ya! I’m super excited about this outfit, I modified my beloved M6886. You can check out my original review of the pattern here. This pattern is very popular on pattern review and with sewist around the world. It’s a basic knit pattern that can be the foundation for tons of knit and woven garments. Sewist have used this pattern to make T Shirts, dresses, tops, etc, it truly is versatile. To round out this outfit, I also made wide legged pants using Simplicity 8389, if you remember, I made the shorts to S8389. The only modification to the original was I made pants instead of shorts. The construction of…
Pattern Review: M7603+ #Summersewchallenge 4th of July inspired
Hi there! I have another review for ya! I participated in Brittany J Jones & Fo Alexander’s summer sew challenge on Instagram. I find value in these challenges, because they get you out of your sewing comfort zone. This top was one of my June sewing goals. I’ve been in the process of moving and really tried to squeeze in all of my sewing plans in case I’d be out of pocket. In rushing to make this top, I was completely oblivious to the way it was drafted, no darts (gasp) and I didn’t add any (double gasp). It also didn’t occur to me that I could have taken my…
Pattern Review: V9253+ The Dress
I wasn’t sure about this dress, all I could see is cleavage! and lots and lots of fabric. There was yet another IG challenge that I had to partake in, these ladies are awesome! If you don’t follow me on Instagram, you should, lots of shenanagins going on there. I get so much inspiration and encouragement, I get excited each month. I passed this pattern up multiple times, mostly because I couldn’t see beyond what I didn’t like. I’m learning to look at the “bones” of the pattern, I’ve talked about this before, but really, I probably would have passed this one up. In comes my Facebook groups again. Let…
Pattern Review: M2149 + Men’s wear
I’m a selfish sewer, I have challenges with ready to wear clothing so I enjoy making clothes that fit my body. I like spending time making my own clothes, however, for May the challenge, we tackled men’s wear. Hubby builds anything I want so It’s only right to make the man a shirt or two. One of the recommendations for men’s wear was to get the man involved in the process to ensure they like what’s being made. I never would have picked the fabric or buttons he chose, so it was great advice to get them involved. My husband picked out his fabric and buttons, he was also good…
Pattern Review: S8344+ The Body Suit
Hi there! Well, I’m coming to you with another pattern review. I sewed up Simplicity 8344, this is an Ashley Nell Tipton pattern, if you don’t know who she is, she won Project Runway, the only plus sized designer to do so. She has two patterns and I have them both! She is a great designer that happens to be plus size, she also has a line of clothing at JcPenny. This was a quick and easy sew and I’m not a body suit type of gal, what if I have to pee!!! If you’re not following me on Instagram, you should. I share a lot of ideas, construction…
Pattern Review: M6963 x2
I’m going through my patterns y’all. I’m going to make the best of these patterns and see if I can make them work. I’ve made a lot of dresses recently and I want to make some more separates so I can get my capsule going. I haven’t officially worked on a capsule or planned one, but I think I will, I feel there’s some value in having workhorse pieces in your wardrobe that you can mix and match. I’m thinking of a summer casual capsule and a basic work capsule or mini wardrobe. The CSC has one going on right now, but in my true form I’m behind. In…
Pattern Review: New Look 6507 + the fail dress turned top
I whined and complained on Facebook about how this turned out and after it’s all said and done, I didn’t adjust this pattern properly. I wanted it done and I didn’t really pay attention to the issues I was having, lesson learned. This is a basic pattern and I should have taken a little more time to figure out how and where I needed to make changes. I needed to shape this better as it was really boxy in the back or made it more of shift swing dress and went on with it. This was not a complete fail but a lesson in reading the muslin and making a…